Bax Baxter Richardson
Baxter joined the CGK team early on and has skills extending beyond riding, to whipping up some of the best block party BBQ's in town. With his background as a chef however, this comes as no surprise. He's also cemented his commitment to the cause with a badass CGK tattoo.

Exploring all options on two wheels Bax is just as at home in stretchy pants rockin' a roadie as he is busting out jeans fixed. He's even had an awkward cyclocross phase which was thankfully short lived.

Doing his time as a cycle messenger he's got the skills to pay the bills and has some hot tips for beating Auckland traffic. These days you might even spot him amongst the car crush rolling VAG life on his way to kickboxing.

An all-round good dude Bax is a moustache clad hurricane, but unfortunately ladies, he's taken. Happily engaged, Bax has his own house and is living the suburban dream with a pair of black cats to complete the picture.


