Dunc$ Duncan Thomas
Duncan has gone from Hagan's 'internet' friend who we weren't sure even existed to a core member of the crew and a staple of the fixed gear scene in Auckland.

Duncan's 'Indiana Jones' like trademe treasure hunting skills are unrivalled (except maybe by Wuwu) and his bikes are a testament to this, his quiver of lugged builds are awe inspiring, the best part of which is Duncan actually rides his builds, they don't just sit on the wall like museum pieces. Duncan is also close to completing his Masters of Architecture at Unitec and becoming the next Frank Lloyd Wright.

How does Duncan get from A - B when its raining you ask? Good question, Duncan is also the owner of a killer MK2 VW Jetta. Keep an eye out for him, on one of his steel masterpieces, in the Jetta, or pushing menswear at Area 51 in the weekends.


